Enjoying Your Harvest
Resources to help you plan and get started!

Publisher/ Author: North Carolina State University and NC Cooperative Extension
A handbook for beginning and veteran garden organizers about how to reduce food safety risks. A must-read for anyone working in any type of garden growing food. It includes the following information related to food safety in gardens: vocabulary, site selection, soil, hand washing, water + irrigation, compost, garden design + pests, sanitation + tools, volunteer know-how, a sample garden layout map, frequently asked questions + additional resources.

Publisher/ Author: Farmer Foodshare
These one-page info sheets are meant to remove the fear of trying new fruits and vegetables by providing you with basic info: how to know when it's ready to eat, what to use it for, and where to store it.

Publisher/ Author: AmpleHarvest.org
If you have a garden surplus you want to donate, find a local food pantry near you. AmpleHarvest.org is a unique nationwide nonprofit that is eliminating the waste of food, the outcome being a reduction in hunger and malnutrition along with an improved environment. It is accomplished by using technology to enable the estimated 61 million Americans who grow food in home/community gardens to easily donate their surplus harvest to one of 8,998 registered local food pantries spread across all 50 states. These food pantries help nourish the one out of six Americans (including a quarter of all kids under six) that rely on these pantries.